Protos' Musings

"In the long run men hit only what they aim at" — Thoreau

Archive for March 2007

Why Delphi is the best

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I have been thinking about posting something that brings out why Delphi rocks and why it is the best IDE out there for quite some time now. At least, ever since Apple sort of invited/challenged me!

Well, this is pretty close to the best write up on why Delphi is the best. Oh, btw, it is about the new Delphi on Rails/Delphi for Ruby, which is in the making. It is interesting to note that it follows close on heels of Delphi for PHP.

Excerpt from the Delphi on Rails article, for you Java fans out there (italics added for emphasis):

“…Sun consulted with Borland while creating Java, and key Java technologies such as the JavaBeans specification (but not its clumsy cousin, EJB) were the result. The languages, IDE’s and platforms that shape present-day computing share a strong lineage to the innovations that formed Delphi…”

If you are still having problems understanding why Delphi is the best thing to have happened to professional programming community since sliced bread, I can’t help you :).

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Written by Proto

March 22, 2007 at 14:24 hrs

Posted in Random Ramblings

The Cricket WC Super 8 schedule is already drawn!!

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It was with quite some amusement and disbelief that I read this entry in Prem’s blog. It looks like ICC had almost taken me (and most others) for a ride!

Here is the link to the story in Rediff that Prem refers to.

One must admit: Amazing marketing technique, ICC! Hats off!

In case you are wondering, what the  heck this is all about, here is the gist: The acronyms A2 or D1 that you see in the WC Super 8 schedule are just dummy numbers, and they actually represent a particular pre-defined team!

Team names for the Super Eight stage are indicative based on the top two teams from the Group Stage qualifying. If these two teams do qualify they will be seeded in position 1 or 2 as specified regardless of whether they finish first or second in their group. For example, if South Africa wins Group A and Australia comes second, for the purposes of the Super Eights, South Africa will still be A2 and Australia will be A1. 

Written by Proto

March 5, 2007 at 21:32 hrs