Protos' Musings

"In the long run men hit only what they aim at" — Thoreau

Archive for May 2006

Pix are worth a thousand words and some more…

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I got engaged to Ms. Preethi Balasundaram over the weekend, and though I will try to update this post with more details later, for now, be satisfied with these pix and these videos.

Btw, just like Flickr, YouTube rocks, really! To view the video you might need a broad band connection, and if you are not having it, I am really sorry, buddy! The video in the default size is not that clear, you might have to click the resize button towards the right end of the screen to get a clearer (albeit smaller) view.

I am grateful to my sweet and loving cousin Reghu for buying the new Nokia 7610 on time. Way to go, mate! Have a handycam ready by the time of my marriage ;).

But before I wind up, a huge thanks to Pradeep who helped me out immensely with the logistics and transport all through the week leading to the event. He deserves another round of thanks for the support extended at work at this important personal juncture (no, he doesn't know about the blog yet! :).

And finally, I welcome Raghu to the world of blogging. I am happy that you got to reconnect with some of your old RBAKs after almost a decade, which made you start blogging. Here is the link to his blog and here is his first post that touches upon the glorious past of RBAKs!

Here is Apple's take on the three rings of life and I really love the third ring ;).

Update [Sun, 04-Jun-06]: Lots of new pix uploaded to my Flickr page. Here are the direct links to the engagement pix set and the slideshow. All these were taken by Priya (Preethi's sis) Akka. Those taken by Reghu are yet to be developed, and I will upload them either tomorrow or the day after. Thanks.

Update [Mon, 05-Jun-06]: Lots of new pix uploaded to my Flickr page. Here are the direct links to the engagement pix set and the slideshow. Half of these were taken by Reghu. To watch only the pix taken by Reghu (or in other words, the newly added photos), try this link [slideshow]. I have also uploaded a few pix [slideshow] of Preethi and myself taken at the Besant Nagar Beach on Sat, a few hours before she bid adieu to Chennai and myself :).

Written by Proto

May 30, 2006 at 23:24 hrs

Posted in Random Ramblings

Google Notebook and Web ToolKit launched

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Without much fanfare, Google has launched Google Notebook. I have been playing around with it for a while now, and I must say that it looks like a well conceived idea. I really loved the mini Notebook that lives inside the browser window.

Google Notebook can act as a single storage place for all your bookmarks, notes and other snippets.

You can learn more about it at the Google Notebook overview page, and here is a first look by Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped. His sample notebook is also available.

Now, whether we will switch over from delicious (now owned by Yahoo) to Google Notebook is something that will take a longer time to answer. It depends on how the notebook evolves. Anyway, here is my notebook.

Google has also launched the Google Web Toolkit to make the life of Ajax Developers easy. I would appreciate if you can check it out and blog about it, Apple. Is it just hype or really useful?

Written by Proto

May 18, 2006 at 00:37 hrs

Posted in Random Ramblings, web